8 reasons why you should journal more often

Improves mental health Experts suggest that the act of taking pen to paper can help you relax, manage anxiety and cope with depression.

Encourages self-confidence  If you journal to keep your thoughts and schedule organised, you may find that being prepared reduces anxiety. It also makes you more confident.

Helps to achieve goals  The physical act of writing down a goal can make it feel more real and can motivate you to achieve it. You can use your journal to monitor your progress as you take steps toward accomplishing those goals.

Reduces stress and other health benefits  Journalling is scientifically proven to help reduce stress. Some of the other benefits include lowered blood pressure and improved mood.

Establishes healthy coping skills  You may not even be aware of the ways you cope with stress, but daily journalling can help you recognise the positive and negative habits you have for dealing with distress. Journalling is a healthy coping method that can be added to your toolbox.

Helps identify patterns and triggers  Looking through the pages of your journal, you’ll likely recognise your triggers. Once you understand these patterns and triggers, you can take steps to change them or change the way you react to them.

Helps to process emotions Journalling helps you process your emotions in a safe, contained space. Naming the specific emotions you’re experiencing and accepting them reduces their strength making it less overwhelming and easier to manage.

Inspires creativity  If you’re the type of person who constantly has ideas coming to you, a journal is a great place to jot those down quickly so you don’t forget. You can revisit your notes later and write a more detailed entry around your idea.

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