7 foods to consume after food poisoning to heal your gut

Water  You lose quite a bit of fluid while battling through those classic stomach bugs and food poisoning symptoms like vomiting and diarrhoea which can put you at risk of dehydration.

Clear fluids Sip on clear liquids that contain some calories. This can also help tide you over until you are ready to stomach solid foods again. These contain clear soups and ORS.

Yoghurt Including probiotic-rich foods like yoghurt in your diet can help to restore the balance of healthy gut bacteria and promote digestive health. 

Steamed or boiled vegetables  Eating steamed or boiled vegetables will replenish the vitamins and minerals lost during the time. These are also easy to digest.

Fresh fruits  Make sure to eat fresh fruits and seasonal fruits as they supply essential vitamins and minerals without causing additional digestive distress

BRAT diet Bananas, rice applesauce and toast (BRAT) diet is one that medical professionals often suggest after an intense case of food poisoning. 

Boiled potatoes Mashed potatoes are excellent to eat after food poisoning. Starchy potatoes are easy to digest already and mashing them breaks down the fibres making them even more digestible.

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