10 Habits of Toppers That Seem Crazy but Really Work

By Rajni Pandey | August 6, 2024

Wake Up Before Dawn

Toppers often start their day as early as 4 AM. This quiet time allows them to focus and study without distractions, giving them a head start on the day.

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Talking to Themselves

It may sound odd, but many toppers verbalize their thoughts and explanations while studying. This method reinforces learning and helps them retain information better.

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Taking Power Naps

Instead of studying non-stop, toppers take short power naps to recharge their brains. A quick 20-minute nap can boost memory and concentration.

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Using Flashcards Everywhere

Toppers carry flashcards with them and use every spare moment—whether in line or on a bus—to review key concepts. This constant revision helps keep information fresh.

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Walking While Studying

Some toppers pace around their room while reading or reciting notes. This movement helps them stay alert and enhances memory retention.

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Eating "Brain Foods"

Toppers often follow a specific diet rich in foods like nuts, berries, and fish, known to boost cognitive function. They believe what they eat directly impacts their performance.

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Creating Mind Maps

Instead of traditional notes, toppers draw complex mind maps linking concepts. This visual representation helps them understand and recall information quickly.

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Teaching Others

Many toppers explain subjects to their peers or even imaginary students. Teaching is a powerful way to solidify their own understanding and identify any gaps in their knowledge.

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Using Unusual Mnemonics

Toppers create bizarre and funny mnemonics to remember complex information. The stranger the mnemonic, the easier it is to remember.

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Scheduling "Me Time"

It might seem counterintuitive, but toppers ensure they have time for hobbies and relaxation. Balancing study with leisure activities helps reduce stress and improves overall productivity.

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