Catching Zzzzzs: The 7 most common signs of sleep deprivation

Turning moody  Sleep and emotional health are deeply connected. If you are not getting enough sleep, it can make you moody and irritated.

Productivity and performance slips Chronic sleep deprivation can negatively affect our abilities to reason, focus, and even find the right words to describe simple things, creating a cumulative, monumental effect in the workplace.

Skin is getting affected Red, puffy eyes, dark under eye circles, and turned-down corners of the mouth can be easily identified in sleep-deprived people. 

Your judgement is faltering Accurately reading social situations and making good decisions depend heavily on the brain's capacity to process emotions. But the part of the brain responsible for decision making stops responding when sleep deprived.

Sudden weight gain Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain. This is because when you’re tired, you are more likely to make unhealthy food choices and crave junk food. You are also more likely to eat larger portions than usual since a lack of sleep makes it harder for your body to regulate the hormones responsible for hunger.

Slacking libido  Sleep deprivation can be a reason for your failing libido. In particular, women involved with caring for children and ageing parents frequently report being too exhausted for intimacy.

Increase in caffeine consumption How often do you need coffee, tea or energy drinks to function in the morning? If you have been depending on caffeine more often now to keep you awake, maybe it is time to check your schedule. 

Food cravings increase People who are sleep deprived tend to have more food cravings as compared to the rest. When we are tired we tend to go for saltier, fried and junk food.

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