Remember These Gardening Tips If You're A Beginner 

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Start slow

If you are a beginner in gardening and can’t spare many hours then you must begin with hard-to-murder plants like money plant, snake plant, and aloe vera. These plants don’t need much attention and can thrive on their own.

Place it near sunlight

Even if you are an in-house plant parent, keep the pots near a window or balcony, whichever is the best sunlight spot in your house. But you must be aware that excess sunlight can burn your plants, so protect them during the scorching heat.

Keep an eye on the water level

This is because your plants can die even if you water them. Good thing is that your plant will always give you a signal if something is wrong with it. Keeping an eye on the leaves is one of the best ways to ensure the overall health of your plant.

Destroy weeds

Weeds are known to be the garden killers, and you must destroy them ASAP. This is because they have the caliber of suffocating the original roots of your plants, harboring pests, and stealing away the nutrition of the main plant.