Are you overdoing yoga? These 11 symptoms spell danger

Moneycontrol News | August 7, 2024

To avoid overdoing it, monitor signs  such as persistent fatigue, which indicates you might be pushing too hard without adequate rest. Don’t ignore more such red flags to maintain a healthy yoga practice

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Persistent fatigue:  If you find yourself feeling unusually tired or lacking energy after your sessions, it could be a sign that you’re overdoing it

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The body needs time to recover and repair itself, and if you're not allowing adequate rest, you might feel drained

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Increased injury risk:  Overtraining can increase your susceptibility to injuries. Strain on the same muscles or joints without proper rest can lead to injuries such as strains, sprains, or even more serious conditions

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Decreased performance:  If your performance in yoga seems to be declining, such as reduced flexibility, strength, or balance, it might indicate that your body is not coping well with the intensity or frequency of your practice

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Sleep disturbances:  Quality sleep is essential for recovery  and overall health. If you’re having  trouble falling or staying asleep, it could be a sign that your body is overstressed from excessive yoga practice

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Mood changes:  If you notice increased irritability,  mood swings, or a general sense of frustration, it might be linked to the physical strain from doing too much yoga

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Decreased interest:  If the practice starts to feel like a  chore rather than something enjoyable  and beneficial, it’s a cue that you might need to take a break or reduce the frequency of your sessions

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