5 Indoor Flower Plants to Decorate Your Home

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Nisha Dubey

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Christmas Cactus

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The Christmas cactus boasts vibrant-coloured blossoms and a succulent texture. Their exotic-looking flowers display a range of delightful shades, including white, coral, pink, and red.

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Peace Lily

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The elegant white flowers on slender stems of peace lilies may not be the showiest, but they exude a regal charm as they tower over the glossy leaves. This fuss-free indoor plant can produce blooms year-round, with the peak of its flowering in the summer.

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African Violets

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African violets stand out as one of the easiest flowering houseplants to nurture, demanding little care while blooming multiple times annually. They come in numerous varieties, some featuring ruffled or white-edged flowers, while others sport variegated leaves.

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Gloxinia typically graces with its vibrant, 3-inch-wide, bell-shaped flowers in late winter or early spring, often adorned with white bands or speckles. Gloxinia is the perfect choice for those seeking a beautiful indoor garden that demands minimal upkeep.

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Phalaenopsis Orchid

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 The phalaenopsis orchid, a classic indoor flowering plant with minimal maintenance requirements, can transform your home into a stunning haven. It’s perfect for placement near your coffee or side table, featuring tall stems adorned with large, elegant white flowers.