Work it out: 8 benefits of working out late at night

Boosts muscle strength  If your goal is to get stronger and tap into maximum muscle strength, you may want to plan workouts for later in the day. Peak muscle performance occurs in the afternoon and early evening because of fluctuations in hormone levels and core body temperature.

Focus better Hitting the gym late at night allows you to avoid the masses and focus on exactly what you came to do with fewer distractions and delays.

More energy Research shows the body can go up to 20 per cent longer when exercising in the evenings and at a higher intensity. This means you'll likely find more energy for cardio and strength training in the night-time hours, rather than first thing in the morning.

Helps to sleep better The belief that late-night workout can keep you energised often forces us to skip the gym but actually, it is the total opposite. Exercise helps you sleep deeper and longer, no matter what time of day you exercise.

Less stress Getting into your comfy pants and hitting the couch can be tempting after a packed work day but working out late at night helps to unwind. Exercise releases endorphins that reduce your stress levels and boost your mood.

Increase in metabolism Evening workouts can boost your metabolism, leading to more efficient calorie burning even while at rest. This occurs after muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue.

Improved blood sugar control Evening exercise can help improve insulin sensitivity, which is essential for maintaining stable blood sugar levels. Regular exercise in the evening causes better glucose metabolism and reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. 

Enhanced cognitive function Physical activity in the evening can boost cognitive function by increasing blood flow to the brain, promoting the growth of new brain cells, and enhancing synaptic plasticity.