5 Tips To Take Care of Your Pet Cat In Monsoon

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh August 8, 2024

Create a safe space

Set up a cosy, dry area where your cat can retreat during thunderstorms. A quiet, comfortable spot with their favourite blanket and toys can help them feel secure. 

Comfort during storms

During thunderstorms, try to stay calm and offer comfort to your cat. Soft music or white noise can help mask the sound of thunder, making them feel more at ease. 

Fur care

After your cat comes in from outside, thoroughly dry them with a towel to prevent dampness, which can lead to skin issues. Regularly check their paws and fur for any signs of moisture. Brush their fur daily to prevent matting. 

Diet and hydration

Provide a balanced diet to boost their immune system. Wet food can add extra moisture to their diet, which is beneficial during humid weather, but make sure it’s fresh to avoid spoilage. Ensure their water bowl is always filled with clean, fresh water.

Exercise and mental stimulation

While the rains might limit outdoor activities, it is crucial to engage your cat in appropriate exercise and mental stimulation. Engaging in indoor play sessions, interactive toys, and puzzle games will help keep their minds sharp and prevent behavioural issues caused by boredom.