International Cat Day: 9 tips to keep your feline pets purring

Groom the cat  While cats are known for their cleanliness, some extra help from you can take their health and hygiene to the next level.  Grooming your cat helps remove loose hair from the coat, preventing shedding and hairballs.

Provide fresh water Just as water is necessary for humans, the same is the case with animals. But many times cats do not like still water in which case you can give them water in a pet fountain. 

Keep the litter box clean No one likes a dirty restroom. Many cats tend to use the carpet or floor as their washroom if their litter box has not been cleaned. If you are using a traditional litter box, you should try to scoop at least once daily and clean the entire box at least once a week. 

Get a scratching post Scratching is a natural, healthy and important behaviour for cats. But when there is no specific spot in the house it tends to get dirty. Thus, it is important to train your cat to scratch themselves at a designated spot. 

Maintain a healthy diet and weight Like humans, cats can experience health issues if they become overweight. And just like us, the keys to a healthy weight are diet and exercise. To maintain a healthy diet, talk to your vet about which food is best for your cat.

Don’t feed too much dry food Unlike dogs, cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they rely on meat as the foundation of their diets. Exclusively feeding dry food diets to cats may cause them to consume too many carbohydrates, which can be unhealthy in large amounts.

Spay or neuter your cat There's nothing more beneficial to your cat's long-term wellness than getting them spayed or neutered. Because unneutered male cats often fight, they risk transmitting diseases through bites and scratches. 

Use a cat carrier in the car Always transport your cat in an appropriate carrier designed for pets. Allowing your cat to roam freely in the car can distract you from driving safely, which can lead to accidents that may harm both you and your cat.

Get your cat vaccinated  Even if all seems well, it's still a good idea to take your cat to the vet for an annual health check and get all the necessary vaccinations.

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