11 health benefits of black rice for diabetes and heart patients

Moneycontrol News | August 12, 2024

Image: Canva

Black rice, also known as "forbidden rice," is a highly nutritious whole grain with a deep black-purple colour due to its high anthocyanin conten.  In India, black rice is primarily found in the northeastern states, including Manipur, Assam, and Tripura

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Rich in antioxidants:  Black rice contains anthocyanins, antioxidants that combat oxidative  stress and inflammation, potentially preventing chronic diseases and improving overall health by neutralising harmful free radicals in the body

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High in fibre:  It provides ample dietary fibre,  which supports healthy digestion, stabilises blood sugar levels, and promotes gut health by encouraging regular bowel movements and maintaining a balanced microbiome

Image: Canva

Supports heart health:  The antioxidants and fibre in black rice help reduce cholesterol levels and improve cardiovascular health, lowering the risk of heart disease by promoting better blood circulation and heart function

Image: Canva

Boosts immune system:  Rich in vitamins and minerals like  vitamin E, iron, and zinc, black rice enhances immune function, helping the body fight infections and maintain a  strong defence against pathogens

Image: Canva

Aids in weight management:  Its high fibre content promotes satiety, reducing hunger, and helping with weight management by keeping you full for longer and decreasing overall calorie intake

Image: Canva

Promotes healthy skin:  The antioxidants and vitamin E in black  rice help fight oxidative damage, improving skin health by reducing  signs of ageing and promoting a youthful, radiant complexion

Image: Canva

Supports healthy vision:  Black rice provides essential nutrients  like vitamin A and beta-carotene,  crucial for maintaining eye health and preventing vision issues by supporting good retinal function

Image: Canva

Improves metabolism:  The complex carbohydrates in black  rice are slowly digested, offering a  steady energy release and aiding in metabolic regulation by preventing  spikes and drops in blood sugar levels

Image: Canva

Detoxifies the body:  Its antioxidant properties help  remove toxins from the body,  supporting liver function and overall detoxification processes to maintain internal health and balance

Image: Canva

May reduce cancer risk:  Anthocyanins in black rice have potential anti-cancer effects, as they may inhibit cancer cell growth and reduce the risk of certain cancers through their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties