Happy Independence Day: 12 ways to show your love for India

Moneycontrol News | August 15, 2024

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As you celebrate Independence Day,  it's important to remember that freedom  is not just about rights; it also comes with responsibilities

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The journey towards a better nation doesn't end with securing freedom; it continues with the actions you take every day as citizen

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Here are 7 ways you can contribute  to making India a better place by  being a responsible citizen

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Save electricity: By conserving electricity, you're not just cutting down on your bills; you're helping reduce the strain on the environment and ensuring that resources are available for future generations

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Simple actions like turning off lights when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, and embracing renewable energy sources can make a big difference

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Pay your taxes: Taxes are the backbone of a nation's development. Paying your taxes on time is not just a legal obligation; it's a way to contribute to the growth and well-being of your country

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Keep your surroundings clean: One of the simplest yet most impactful ways to show your love for the country is by keeping your surroundings clean. Pledge to dispose of waste responsibly. Don’t litter on roads, in parks, or on beaches or hills

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Everyone’s ride, everyone’s right: Public transport is a shared space, and how you behave on it reflects your respect for others. Remember, it's called public transport for a reason, it's for everyone

Refrain from making excessive noise, talking loudly on phone, throwing trash, or damaging property. Show consideration for your fellow passengers by keeping the space pleasant and safe for all

Follow traffic rules: By obeying traffic signals, wearing seatbelts, not drinking and driving, and being mindful of speed limits, you not only protect yourself but also those around you

Respect fellow citizens: India is a land of diverse cultures, languages, and religions. Respecting fellow citizens, regardless of their background, is key to maintaining harmony in the society

Participate: Stay informed about issues and participate in India's democratic processes. This includes voting, staying updated on current events, and engaging in community activities