From Omega Centauri to Dumbbell Nebula: 7 NASA Images of Outer Space

By Sheetal Kumari | August 21, 2024

Omega Centauri, the largest and brightest globular cluster in our galaxy, contains millions of stars packed into a dense core. Its unique characteristics offer valuable insights into stellar evolution.

Omega Centauri

Representative Image: NASA

The Dumbbell Nebula, a vivid planetary nebula, showcases a glowing cloud of gas and dust formed by a dying star.

Dumbbell Nebula

Representative Image: NASA

The Carina Nebula, a vast star-forming region, features towering pillars of gas and dust illuminated by massive young stars.

Carina Nebula

Representative Image: NASA

The Cat's Eye Nebula, a striking planetary nebula, displays intricate, concentric shells of gas expelled by a dying star.

Cat’s Eye nebula

Representative Image: NASA

Captured by NASA's Hubble telescope, remnants of a supernova 160,000 light-years away reveal the dying light of a white dwarf, offering insights into our universe's past.

Supernova Explosion

Representative Image: NASA

The M87 black hole, located at the centre of the galaxy M87, is famously known for its first-ever image captured by the Event Horizon Telescope.

M87 Black Hole

Representative Image: NASA

The Pillars of Creation, located within the Eagle Nebula, are towering columns of gas and dust where new stars are born. Their iconic structure offers a breathtaking glimpse into the process of star formation.

Pillars of Creation

Representative Image: NASA

Messier 94, a spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici, is known for its bright inner ring of young stars.

Messier 94

Representative Image: NASA