Top 7 Study Hacks Every Topper Uses to Ace Exams

By Rajni Pandey | August 23, 2024

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Ever wonder how toppers consistently ace their exams? Discover 7 genius study hacks that can help you master your exam preparation like a pro.

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Study in 25-minute intervals with 5-minute breaks. This boosts focus and minimizes burnout.

Pomodoro Technique

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Teach the topic to yourself in simple terms. If you can’t, you don’t understand it well enough.

Feynman Technique

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Visualize complex topics by connecting ideas using a mind map for easier recall.

Mind Mapping

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Quiz yourself rather than passively re-reading. This strengthens memory retention.

Active Recall

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Review information over increasing intervals to lock it into long-term memory.

Spaced Repetition

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Mix different topics or subjects in one study session. It helps in distinguishing between concepts.


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Collaborate with peers, share ideas, and clarify doubts for a better understanding.

Study Groups