Ashtabharya: Meet The 8 Principal Wives of Lord Krishna

By Archisha Yadav | August 22, 2024

Rukmini, the first wife of Krishna, was the main queen of Dwarka. She is an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi and mothered ten sons with Krishna, including Pradyumna.

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Jambavati, the daughter of the bear-king Jambavan, was married to Krishna after he retrieved the Syamantaka gem. Together, they had ten children, including Sumitra.

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Satyabhama, the daughter of Satrajit, married Krishna after he returned the Syamantaka gem. Known for her devotion, she bore Krishna ten sons, including Bhanu.

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Kalindi, daughter of the Sun god Surya and Yamuna, married Krishna after meeting him near the Yamuna River. They had ten children, including Shruta and Kavi.

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Mitravinda, a cousin of Krishna, was taken by him from her Swayamvara. Together, they had ten sons, including Vrika and Harsha.

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Nagnajiti, daughter of the Kosala king, married Krishna after he tamed seven fierce bulls. They had ten children, including Veer and Chandra.

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Bhadra, princess of Kaikeya, chose Krishna as her husband in her Swayamvara. They had ten sons, including Sangramjit and Brihatsen.

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Lakshana, daughter of the king of Bhadra, was won by Krishna in a Swayamvara. They had ten sons, including Praghosha and Gatravan.

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