Sharp talk: 9 tips to keep your knives sharp

Do not throw your knives in the sink When tidying up the kitchen after cooking most of us throw the knives in the sink for cleaning. Metal-on-metal interaction dulls the blade.

Choose the right cutting surface A knife stays sharper for much longer if you invest in a chopping surface made of a suitable material. Look for the materials like wood, polyethylene, or plastic for your cutting board. 

Regular use of honing rod The long rod of coarse steel isn’t meant to sharpen the knife but rather realign the blade edge back into place, helping prevent significant knife damage and keeping the edge maintained for a longer time. It doesn’t remove a significant amount of metal from the blade as a true sharpening does.

Don’t delay cleaning your knives Another secret to keeping your knives as sharp as possible is to clean them after every use. This prevents any food residue build-up on the blade, potentially causing dullness. It’s critical that you hand-wash your good knives.

Make sure to dry them Sharp knives also shouldn’t be air-dried on the drying rack as they might rust. Rusting dulls the blade and reduces the lifespan of the knife. It is important to towel dry them. 

Invest in a sharpening tool Even if you have a honing rod, it is necessary to invest in a good sharpening tool. Sharpening shaves away some metal to create a renewed knife edge. Invest in a whetstone, sharpening stone, water stone, or diamond.

Use ceramic mugs If you do not want to buy a sharpening tool use the bottom of a ceramic mug. Although this method is controversial, the unglazed, gritty circle of ceramic on the bottom of mugs can sharpen a knife in the same way a whetstone would.

Be mindful of storage Storing a knife correctly is also essential in keeping it sharp. Use knife blocks, magnetic knife strips or knife covers to maintain the sharpness of the knife. 

Use nice knives for food only Use your quality knives for food only. While this may seem obvious, many people often grab a knife for non-food tasks, including tearing into food packaging, cutting parchment paper or butcher’s twine, and opening cans. All these actions can reduce the sharpness of a knife and can lead to slips.

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