5 Foods To Avoid If You Are Lactose Intolerant

The primary source of lactose is definitely a no-go!


Lover of milkshakes? Choose a plant-based milk.

Might be a pizza lover, but that beautiful molten cheese is causing you harm.


Hard cheeses like cheddar and parmesan may have lower lactose levels but might still cause digestion issues.

Less destructive than milk, but still might cause a little trouble.


Use it sparingly on your meal for better tummy health!

The flavoured yogurts contain more lactose and should be avoided at all costs.


It might be a probiotic hero, but it’s a no-no for lactose-intolerant people.

The best summer binge and dessert is actually a health hazard for many.

Ice cream

Those milk and cream goodies are best avoided for your gut if you are lactose intolerant.