Parental Care: Stop doing these 9 things in front of your kids

Never disrespect others It is important that you treat everyone with respect. Do not look down upon anyone so the kid also learns to respect everyone. Treat others the way you want yourself to be treated.

Refrain from using abusive language As adults, we often tend to disregard the presence of young kids around us in order to vent out our frustration. And we sometimes resort to using derogatory language. Refrain from using such language in front of children.

Never resort to physical abuse When your child acts in a mischievous manner and refuses to listen to you, sit down and politely have a word with them. Physical harm will only give your child mental scars that won't heal with time.

Do not display bad habits It can be difficult to quit your bad habits; it is your duty to ensure that you don't display this side to children. Be it smoking, drinking or any other bad habit, keep it to yourself when around children.

Do not raise your voice If you're angry about something, have a word with the concerned person with a rational mindset. While screaming your thoughts may make others hear your point, children will be quick enough to pick up this bad habit, or it might also scare them.

Do not tell lies One of the worst habits is telling lies. It can be for a good reason but a lie is always a lie and children tend to pick up this habit very easily. And when they start asking questions about the situation it becomes difficult to explain. 

Do not stay addicted to your phone It is important to stay active, especially when you are with your family. Do not be immersed in your phone. If you remain glued to your device, your child will feel neglected. Instead, talk to your family, ask them about their day, and make plans. 

Negatively criticising them on their academics It is not a big deal if your kids don’t excel at academics.  Criticising them can have a poor impact on their mental health. Be supportive and encourage them to improve on their poor grades.

Making fun of your kid in front of others It may seem funny to tease your child in front of others but it may scar them for life. Your kid will grow up with negative thoughts and fear for certain things in life, and can even lack confidence.

Keep your anger in control with these 10 tips