Co-workers bothering you? 8 ways to deal with a difficult colleagues

Get to know them As you learn about your co-workers, you’ll also gain insight into why they behave the way they do. This might help you empathise with them and your relationship may improve. 

Identify the behaviours that upset you The first step to solving any problem is to identify it. Reflect on your interactions with your colleague(s) to figure out exactly what went wrong. Find out what’s bothering you. 

Reflect on your behaviour It is important to know why you are getting triggered. Are you upset because of this specific person or are you holding a grudge because they remind you of someone else you don’t like?

Share your perspective with them politely Have a conversation with your co-worker about how their behaviour affects you. Maintain your perspective rather than using an accusatory tone. This will help keep it cordial.

Remain neutral at work It is important to remain neutral and away from office politics. It may be tempting to gossip about a coworker you don’t like but it is best not to indulge.

Accept your differences It is important to note that you will have to make peace with the fact that not everybody likes you. It’s great to be friendly with your coworkers but do not expect the same in return.

Limit spending time with them One of the easiest ways to avoid drama is to simply avoid those who cause it. Stay away from difficult coworkers if you don’t have to work with them directly.

Let it go Letting certain behaviour slide right off your shoulders is often the easiest way to deal with it.

Be cheerful Do not let the negativity of the other person impact you. One of the best ways to deal with toxic colleagues is to concentrate on work and meet your goals. That will bring you cheer.

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