10 reasons why jaggery is better than sugar

Both jaggery and sugar are typical sweeteners used in Indian families. They vary in colour, texture, processing, and composition.

Jaggery is an unprocessed, natural sweetener. Some people consider it a superfood since it contains more vitamins and minerals and has less sucrose than sugar.  Here are 10 reasons why jaggery is considered better than sugar.

Rich in Minerals: Jaggery is a good source of minerals like iron, potassium, and magnesium, whereas sugar is empty calories with no nutritional value.

Lower Glycemic Index: Jaggery has a lower glycemic index than sugar, meaning it doesn't cause a sudden spike in blood sugar levels.

Natural and Unrefined: Jaggery is made from boiled sugarcane juice without refining or processing, retaining its natural nutrients.

Digestive Health: Jaggery contains fiber, which can aid digestion and prevent constipation.

Antioxidant Properties: Jaggery has antioxidant properties that can help protect against oxidative stress.

Less Processed: Jaggery is less processed than sugar, which means fewer chemicals and additives.

Can Help Reduce Toxins: Jaggery is believed to help remove toxins from the body.

Supports Immune System: Jaggery contains vitamin C, which can help boost the immune system.

May Help Reduce Menstrual Cramps: Jaggery is believed to help reduce menstrual cramps and other symptoms associated with PMS.

Can Help Reduce Anemia: Jaggery is a good source of iron, making it a natural remedy for anaemia.

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