Pack your bags and leave! 10 best holiday destinations in September

Italy After three months of intense heat, September is a time of light pre-autumn breeze. Hire a car for a short visit to the countryside and stay in historic villas and grand hotels. The places include historic cities, towns and villages. 

United Kingdom A favourite vacation place during this time is England. With its golden sands, clear waters and charming towns in Cornwall, plan your visit to coincide with the St Ives September Festival. 

Greece One of the best places to visit during September is Greece. The country is at its scenic best with ancient temples, beautiful beaches and stunning islands. Several eye-catching monuments will be etched in your mind for a lifetime.

Ireland Coffee and the rich cultural heritage of Ireland are two of the major things that draw the spotlight. You can enjoy festivals like Belfast International Tattoo, International Oyster & Seafood Festival, and Dublin Fringe Festival that take place this time.

France The country turns warm and sunny in September, with the streets being less crowded. Additionally, festivals such as The Braderie de Lille, Fête de la Gastronomie, and Festival des Jardins will add flavour and fragrance to your vacation.

Turkey The refreshing breeze can rejuvenate your body and mind completely. And the scenic beauty is sure to leave you mesmerised. Since it straddles two continents and sits on a major branch of the Silk Road, thus it has a rich history.

South Korea South Korea is undoubtedly one of the best countries to travel in September. There are plenty of autumn festivals that you will get to witness in Korea. You can take a walk in Seoul, try Korean food and explore Changdeokgung Palace.

Japan Kabuki baths, Onsen hot springs and the occurrence of different types of flowers are a few things that attract tourists to Japan. Explore Tenzan Onsen, enjoy Tokyo Disneyland, take a bath at Onsen Hot Springs and watch live sumo wrestling.

Russia Russia has several remarkable monuments with the second-largest museum that makes it an idyllic holiday destination. You can get to witness parades and fireworks on Moscow City Day, celebrated in September.

Singapore The clean streets, strict laws and scenic beauty account for Singapore being one of the best and the safest cities to travel in autumn. Treating your taste buds to the delectable local cuisine of Singapore during your trip is a must.