Raising a stink! 9 most foul smelling foods in the world

Durian This is a bright yellow prickly fruit with a creamy centre. Its stench is so strong that people are banned from carrying it on public transport in Singapore and Thailand.

Century Egg This is an egg rolled in clay, salt and ash and left to sit around for several months. Although they look very old and smell quite strong, they don't actually ferment for a whole century.

Stinky tofu This is a snack that some say smells like smelly feet. Stinky tofu is bean curd that has been fermented in a brine of fermented milk, vegetables and meat. You can find it in Hong Kong, Taiwan, or China.

Stink beans You may wonder why someone might choose to eat something called a stink bean. Well, it’s been said that they are very good for you — which is why they show up in many Southeast Asian stir-fry dishes.

Blue cheese Blue cheese is considered to be one of the stinkies cheeses in the world. But it's still consumed as a delicacy in the US and Europe. It has a salty, sharp flavour and a pungent aroma.

Surströmming This is a sour, fermented herring from Sweden. Before being tinned, it is fermented. The process of fermenting the fish creates a strong rotten egg smell. 

Natto Natto is a sticky, stringy, cheesy bowl of goo that has the delicious scent of old socks. These are fermented soybeans. Natto is a super-popular breakfast food, and Japanese schoolkids love to eat it as a snack.

Stinking toe fruit This is a Caribbean fruit that looks like a severed toe and unfortunately smells like one too. The stink is unbearable but fibrous fruit inside has an addictive sweet taste.

Hakarl This is the meat of the Greenland shark. It is fermented and buried in a sand pit for up to five months before being hung to dry for a few more months. It emits the overwhelming scent of ammonia.

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