7 Common Signs Of Poor Gut Health 

Producer:  Snigdha Oreya

Poor Digestion Acid reflux, bloating, or gastric issues are a sign that your gut is facing difficulties in digesting food.

Irregular Bowel Habits Constipation, diarrhea, or IBS are also some signs of poor gut health.

Skin Issues Poor gut health can trigger a myriad of skin issues, such as breakouts and even eczema.

Frequently Falling Sick An increased amount of harmful bacteria in the gut leads to a weakened immune system.

Changes In Weight If your weight fluctuates often, it can be due to poor gut health as your body is struggling to absorb nutrients.

Sleep And Mood Changes An unhealthy gut often leads to changes in the sleep cycle and mood swings.

Random Food Cravings If you find yourself binge eating or craving random food items, it might be due to your gut health.