10 Plants You Should Never Keep Inside Your Home As Per Vastu

By Archisha Yadav | September 2, 2024

Cactus plants, with their sharp thorns, are believed to bring negative energy into the home. It is best to avoid keeping them indoors to maintain a peaceful environment.

Image: Canva


Bonsai plants are considered symbols of stunted growth according to Vastu. Keeping them inside the home may lead to limited growth in one's life.

Image: Canva


Dead or dried plants are associated with death and negativity in Vastu. It is advised to remove them from the house to prevent stagnant energy and promote positivity.

Image: Canva

Dead Plants

Cotton plants are believed to attract ghosts and negative energies. Vastu suggests not keeping them inside the house to avoid disturbances and negative vibes.

Image: Canva

Cotton Plant

The Babul tree is associated with sorrow and loneliness in Vastu. Its thorny nature is thought to bring disputes and conflicts, making it unsuitable for indoor placement

Image: Canva

Babul (Acacia)

Mehendi plants are said to invite negative energies and bad omens according to Vastu. Keeping them inside can potentially affect the harmony of the household.

Image: Canva

Mehendi (Henna)

Tamarind plants are believed to bring ill health and negative energy. Vastu advises against keeping them indoors to ensure a healthy and positive living environment.

Image: Canva


Oleander plants are toxic and associated with danger. According to Vastu, they should not be kept indoors as they may disrupt the peaceful atmosphere of the home.

Image: Canva


Apart from roses, thorny plants are believed to create tension and conflict within the home. Vastu recommends keeping such plants outside to avoid negative influences.

Image: Canva

Thorny Plants 

Milkweed plants are said to attract negative energies and bad luck. Vastu suggests avoiding them indoors to maintain a positive and serene environment in the house.

Image: Canva
