8 health benefits  of eating papaya on empty stomach

Moneycontrol News | September 04, 2024

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Papaya, also known as pawpaw, is a tropical fruit celebrated for its vibrant orange flesh and sweet, refreshing flavour. Rich in essential vitamins and nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and E, papaya supports overall health and wellness


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Papaya is rich in the enzyme papain, which breaks down proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids. This aids in the digestion of protein-rich foods and helps prevent indigestion and bloating

Digestive health

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Eating papaya on an empty stomach maximises the absorption of its vitamins and minerals. For instance, vitamin A is essential for vision and immune function, vitamin C helps tissue repair and boosts immunity, and vitamin E acts as an antioxidant

Vitamin boost

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Papaya has natural detoxifying properties that help cleanse the digestive tract and remove toxins from the body. The fruit’s high water content also aids in flushing out waste and toxins

Natural cleanser

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Papaya is relatively low in calories, making it a great option for those looking to manage their weight. It provides a satisfying feeling without adding excessive calories

Weight management

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Papaya’s antioxidants, including vitamins A, C, and E, help combat oxidative damage and support skin health. The enzyme papain helps remove dead skin cells and promotes a glowing complexion

Skin health

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The fibre content in papaya helps you feel fuller for longer, reducing overall calorie intake and curbing unhealthy snacking throughout the day


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The high water content in papaya helps keep the body hydrated and supports kidney function, further promoting the elimination of toxins


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Folate supports cell division and production of DNA, while fibre aids digestion and helps maintain a healthy weight. Consuming papaya first thing ensures these nutrients are absorbed efficiently

Folate and fibre