5 Herbal Drinks to Help You Lose Weight

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Nisha Dubey

Lemon and Honey Water

This zesty drink helps flush out toxins while honey soothes digestion. Sipping it first thing in the money jumpstarts your metabolism and keeps you energised. For an extra kick, toss in some mint leaves for a flavour boost.

Green Tea

Packed with catechins, it helps burn fat while the mild caffeine gives you a steady energy lift without the crash later. Enjoy a warm cup with a squeeze of lemon between meals and let this soothing brew work its magic and keep you on track throughout the day.

Fennel Seeds Water

The antioxidant plant compounds in fennel called anethole help flush out toxins and excess fluids, reducing water retention. Simply put crushed fennel seeds in water and leave it overnight. Strain the drink in the morning and drink before your meals.

Coriander Water

To prepare this herbal drink, lightly crush coriander seeds and mix them into the water with coriander leaves. Keep the mix overnight and drink it first thing in the morning for a refreshing start. Coriander water tackles bloating, gas and water retention while flushing out toxins.

Turmeric Milk

Simply warm milk and mix in turmeric, cinnamon and a pinch of black pepper. The black pepper helps your body absorb the curcumin from turmeric which stabilises blood sugar levels. Cinnamon in the milk will help balance insulin levels. Together, these ingredients make fat storage less likely and promote a healthier metabolism.