Tips To Clean Burnt Utensils

Soak the utensil in warm lemon water for an hour.

Baking Soda

Gently scrub the burnt pan with baking soda after that.

Apply a mixture of salt and lemon juice to the burnt utensil.

Lemon And Salt

Cover with tissue paper, pour vinegar on it and and wipe after 15 minutes.

Pour aged wine into the burnt pan and let it sit for a while.


After a few minutes, the black stains should start to fade.

Boil 2 tbsp of cream of tartar mixed in water in the burnt utensil.

Cream Of Tartar

Let it cool and clean it with regular soap after a few minutes.

Pour some cola into the burnt pan and heat it on low flame.

Aerated Drinks

The acidic quality of fizzy drinks can help remove burn stains.