From Dronacharya to Shukracharya: 7 Famous Gurus of Hindu Mythology

By Archisha Yadav | September 4, 2024

Discover the seven revered gurus from Hindu mythology. From the martial expertise of Dronacharya to Shukracharya's profound teachings, learn about the legendary mentors who shaped ancient wisdom.

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Guru Dronacharya, a master of military arts, was the royal teacher of the Kauravas and Pandavas. Known for his divine skills, he favoured Arjuna but displayed bias by demanding Ekalavya’s thumb as Guru Dakshina.

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Sage Vasishtha, one of the Saptarishis, was a revered scholar known for his numerous treatises. His wisdom and conflicts with Vishwamitra are legendary in Hindu mythology.

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The sixth avatar of Vishnu, Parshuram, was a warrior sage who only taught Brahmins. He cursed Karna, his student, upon discovering his non-Brahmin origin, dooming him to forget his teachings at the most crucial moment.

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Sage Vishwamitra, the teacher of Lord Rama and Lakshmana, imparted knowledge of divine weapons. He is also credited with the creation of the Gayatri Mantra and played a role in Sita and Rama’s marriage.

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Sage Valmiki, the Adikavi (first poet), authored the Ramayana. He also taught Lord Rama’s sons, Lav and Kush, imparting the epic’s teachings to them.

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Rishi Ved Vyas, the author of the Mahabharata, is revered for documenting vast Vedic knowledge. As the father of Pandu and Dhritarashtra, his influence shaped the epic’s narrative and Hindu philosophy.

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Ved Vyas

Rishi Shukracharya, the guru of the Asuras, was a master of resurrection through Mrut Sanjeevani. Despite his allegiance to the Asuras, he taught the divine knowledge to Kacha, which led to tension and his own eventual demise.

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