10 lesser-known stories about the Lord Ganesha

Parvati moulded Ganesha from turmeric paste Parvati asked Nandi to guard the door but being Lord Shiva’s faithful he let Shiva enter. Parvati wanted someone so she collected the turmeric paste she used to clean her body with, and moulded it into Ganesha.

Ganesha became the god of wit and wisdom Ganesha and Kartikeya wanted to have the ‘the fruit of knowledge’. Shiva challenged them to take three rounds of the world and come back. Ganesha circled around his parents and told them that his whole world lies at their feet. 

How he became one-toothed Sage Parashuram came to meet Lord Shiva but Ganesha denied him entry as he was on guard duty. This angered Parashuram and he took out his sword to fight. During this fight, Ganesha lost one of his tusks and came to be known as Ekdant (one-toothed).

Ganesha scribbled Mahabharata for Ved Vyas Sage Vyas wanted Ganesha to transcribe the entire epic for him. Ganesha agreed but asked him to recite it without a pause. Knowing Ganesha's speed, Vyas said that Ganesha will have to understand every verse before he writes it down.

Broke his tusk to finish writing Mahabharata Such was Lord Ganesha’s dedication towards his work that, while transcribing the Mahabharata, he broke his pen. Without thinking twice, he broke off one of his tusks in half and began writing again.

When the moon had to face Ganesha’s wrath According to legend, the moon once laughed at Ganesha when he fell down. This angered him so much that he cursed the moon to turn black and remain invisible. When the moon pleaded for forgiveness, Ganesha said that the moon would wax and wane every 15 days. 

When Ganesha threatened to eat his host, Kuber Kuber, the god of wealth, once wanted to show off his wealth to Lord Shiva but he was unavailable and asked him to take Ganesha with him. Ganesha finished every food item in the house and asked for more! When there was no food left, Ganesha threatened to eat his host.

The god of beginnings The chariot carrying Vishnu got stuck on the way to the venue and none of the Gods were able to pull it out. When they asked for help from a passer-by, he took Lord Ganesha’s name. He further said that Ganesh was the god of beginnings who removes all the hurdles.

How a mouse became Ganesha’s vehicle Gajmukhasur was a demon who was a devotee of Lord Shiva. He asked Shiva for a boon that no god or human would be able to harm him. Once granted, he started killing people. To stop him, Lord Shiva sent Ganesha who turned him into a mouse. 

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