Get your whites on: 10 everyday items to use to remove stains from clothes

Shaving cream Got foundation on your favourite shirt? Apply a dollop of shaving cream to it, allow it to sit for a few minutes, and then work the material to loosen, rinsing with cold water. Wash the material like usual once The stain is removed.

Lemon juice Lemon and limes have a natural whitening action, making them ideal for removing tough stains on your whites. Squeeze a few drops of lemon juice directly onto the stain. Pour salt over the lemon juice, and rub the fabric together, so that the salt helps work the lemon juice into the stain. Rinse with water. 

Distilled white vinegar Not only does it make clothing more vibrant, but it is also great for a variety of stains. Try white vinegar on tea/coffee, grass, tomato-based stains, sweat stains and so much more!

Dish soap and baby powder Dish soap works great to pretreat oil or grease stains on laundry. If heavily affected by grease, cover the site with baby powder and allow it to sit overnight to absorb the excess oils.

Household peroxide While peroxide has many stain-fighting uses, it really shines at removing protein stains like blood or other bodily fluids. Popular brands of colour-safe bleach often use hydrogen peroxide.

Cornstarch Cornstarch effectively absorbs grease stains from fabrics, leather and suede. Mix equal parts of cornstarch and warm water in a bowl, until it forms a paste. Apply the paste onto the stain on your whites. Let it sit overnight and wipe it with a dry cloth. 

Rubbing alcohol Rubbing alcohol is a powerful cleaning solution which effectively disinfects surfaces and removes stubborn stains. To remove a stain from your whites, dampen a cotton cloth with rubbing alcohol. Rub on the stain with the cloth. Rinse the garment afterwards.

Saltwater Start off by soaking the whites in cold salt water and let them soak for three to four hours. Then, apply liquid laundry detergent directly to the stain and rub it in. Wash the garment as normal.

Plain white toothpaste This ingredient is effective for removing ink stains from white clothing. Apply the plain white toothpaste to the pen mark and rub vigorously, to soak up the ink and lift the stain away.

Coca Cola Simply open a can of cola apply it directly to the stain and let it soak for up to 30 minutes. After this, place the garment in the washing machine for a normal cycle.

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