Cutting garden tips: Create your own space to grow flowers

Moneycontrol News | September 10, 2024

Image: Canva

A cutting garden is a dedicated space  in your garden where you grow  flowers specifically for cutting  and bringing indoors

What is a cutting garden?

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The first step is selecting the perfect location. Most flowers thrive in full sun, so choose a spot that receives at least six hours of sunlight each day

Location is most important

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The area should also have well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging, which can lead to root rot

Prevent waterloggin

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If your soil is heavy clay or too sandy, consider amending it with compost to improve its texture and fertility

Check the soil

Image: Canva

Once you’ve identified the ideal location, plan the layout . This step is crucial as it helps you visualise the end result and ensures you make the most of your space

Plan the layout of the garden

Image: Canva

Consider arranging your plants in rows or blocks, which makes harvesting easier and gives the garden a structured look

Design your cutting garden look carefully

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Group plants with similar growing conditions together and plan for staggered planting so you have a continuous supply of blooms throughout the season

Stack similar flowers together

Image: Canva

Choosing the right flowers is the heart  of your cutting garden. Opt for flowers  that are known for their long vase life  and prolific blooming

Choose the right flowers

Image: Canva

Mix perennials with annuals to ensure your garden has a mix of blooms and seasonal surprises. Also, think about incorporating foliage plants like eucalyptus or ferns

Go for variety

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Timing is everything when it comes to planting your cutting garden. Depending on the flowers you choose, you’ll need to plant them at different times of the year

It's all about timing

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Spring and early summer are ideal for most annuals, while bulbs are typically planted in autumn for spring blooms

Watch out for the seasons

Image: Canva

When planting, follow the spacing recommendations to avoid overcrowding. This ensures each plant has enough  room to grow and thrive

Follow spacing recommendations