Yummy Sugar-free Choco Lava Cake Recipe

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh September 5, 2024

60 grams chopped dark chocolate 4 tbsps butter 2 eggs ½ tsp vanilla extract 16 measures Sugar Free Green 1½ tbsps cocoa powder + for dusting ¼ cup refined flour ½ tsp baking powder A pinch of salt 2-3 tbsps milk


Heat water in a nonstick pan. Mix chocolate and butter in a bowl and place on the pan. Allow to melt.

Step 1

Break eggs in a bowl. Add vanilla extract, Sugar Free Green and mix well.

Step 2

Add cocoa powder to the chocolate mixture and mix well.

Step 3

Add this to the egg mixture, sift refined flour, baking powder and salt, milk and mix well.

Step 4

Transfer the mixture into individual silicon moulds and bake for 6 minutes.

Step 5

Demould, dust cocoa powder and serve.

Step 6