Why you should cuddle your pet everyday 

Cuddling your pet has a calming effect as it forces you to focus on the present moment, alleviates stress and makes you feel happier.

Their presence alone has been proven to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.

The simple act of holding them close releases oxytocin, a hormone known to promote feelings of love, happiness, and contentment.

Few minutes of cuddling with your pet can work wonders in alleviating your stress.

Studies have shown that interactions with pets can lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate, and decrease the production of stress hormones such as cortisol.

Pets can be a source of solace during difficult times, offering comfort and emotional support.

The rhythmic sensation of stroking their fur or feeling their gentle purring has a soothing effect, helping to ease racing thoughts and promoting mindfulness.

Sharing an affectionate touch not only enhances your relationship with your pet but can also extend to your relationships with others.

According to research, keeping a cat may reduce a person's risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke. The sound of a cat purring may also help to relax you and reduce your blood pressure.

Having a pet around can help raise your resilience to allergens and potentially lessen your risk of developing asthma.

Pets often become catalysts for social interaction, enabling you to connect with fellow pet lovers, join communities, and strengthen your support network.

If you're having difficulties getting some shut-eye, try hugging your pet to sleep.