8 Tips to Identify Ghost Jobs and Protect Your Job Search

By Priyanka Roshan | Sept 6, 2024

"Ghost jobs" are job postings that remain open indefinitely or don’t exist at all, wasting job seekers' time. Here’s how to identify and avoid them:

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Check Posting Date

Job listings that have been open for months without updates are a potential red flag. Companies that are actively hiring usually update or close postings once the position is filled.

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Research the Company

Before applying, research the company’s reputation. If the company lacks an online presence, credible website, or has poor reviews, this could indicate a ghost job.

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Vague Job Description

Ghost jobs often have generic descriptions that don’t detail specific tasks, qualifications, or requirements. A legitimate job posting will clearly outline the role.

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Look for Expiry Dates

Legitimate job postings often have an expiration date, or are removed once filled. If a job posting remains online indefinitely or is constantly reposted, it may be a ghost job.

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Reach Out Directly

If unsure about a job posting, contact the company directly to confirm if the role is still open. Legitimate companies will provide clarity.

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Reposts & Odd Requests

Frequent reposts or strange application requirements, such as asking for personal details like bank information upfront, could be a sign of a ghost job. 

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Lack of Contact Info

Authentic job postings typically include clear contact information, such as a hiring manager's name, an email address, or a phone number.

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Check Employee Reviews

Websites like Glassdoor and Indeed can reveal patterns. Look for reviews mentioning long-open job listings or companies that frequently "ghost" applicants, which may indicate a ghost job.

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