Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

5 Tips to Get Over A Breakup

Make Yourself Busy

One of the best ways to stop overthinking about your past relationship is to engage in various activities and make yourself busy. Set a goal and work for it, stay focused and don’t give yourself time to dwell on thoughts of your ex. 

Talk to Your Friends

Our friends are our unpaid therapists; they know us inside out and can help us move on from the past. If you’re having a bad time, share your problems with your friends. They might not know all the answers but will surely support you in your difficult phase. 

Give Yourself Time

 The biggest mistake that most of us make is to start looking for a new partner immediately after a breakup. Don’t get in a hurry, give yourself some time and space to heal. Use this time to work on your emotions and grow yourself as a person.

Don’t Talk to Your Ex

You have to accept that being ‘Just Friends’ with your ex after a breakup is not healthy. To move on from your past you need to stop communicating with your ex in any manner as it will eventually hurt you. Do not stalk them on social media or try to know details about their life. 


Acceptance is difficult, but once you confront reality, it becomes simpler to let go and move forward. Accept the fact that you both are no longer together and you need to focus on your life and goals. Believe that what happened was for the best, and move on with mutual respect.