6 Early Signs Of Diabetes

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

Unexplained Weight Loss

When people start to experience weight loss without any significant reason, it can be a symptom of diabetes.

Poor Vision

Blurred vision can be another indication of diabetes. Fluctuations in the blood sugar levels affect the working of the lenses in the eyes.

Frequent Infections

If you get diagnosed with infections frequently, then it can also be a sign of diabetes. It is because diabetes weakens the immune system and makes it prone to infections.

Difficulty in Healing Wounds

High blood sugar levels can harm blood circulation and also damage the nerves. This causes the wounds to heal slowly. Sores, cuts, or bruises that take a long time to heal might signal uncontrolled diabetes.

Dry and Itchy Skin

Diabetes can cause dry, cracked and itchy skin due to poor circulation and nerve damage. Skin changes may show up on the legs, elbows, or hands.


Constant tiredness or fatigue is another symptom of a diabetic patient. Fatigue and weakness occur when the cells are not getting enough amount of glucose.