Top 10 Rarest Aura Colours and Their Meanings

By Archisha Yadav | September 13, 2024

A purple aura shows spiritual awareness and artistic intuition. It is linked to the crown chakra and suggests you're reaching a higher spiritual level.

Image: Canva

purplr aura

An indigo aura reflects heightened perception and intuition. Connected to the third eye chakra, it signifies your deep awareness of the energy around you.

Image: Canva

Indigo Aura

A pink aura suggests a strong balance between love, romance, and spirituality. It indicates you're in tune with your emotions and growing in love.

Image: Canva

Pink Aura

A brown aura represents fear or anxiety about life’s uncertainties. It may appear when you face difficult decisions or feel ego-driven.

Image: Canva

Brown Aura

A grey aura indicates blocked or stagnant energy. It might show depression, anxiety, or the need to release bottled-up emotions.

Image: Canva

Grey Aura

A black aura points to negativity, anger, or unwillingness to forgive. It serves as a reminder to release pent-up feelings and move forward.

Image: Canva

Black Aura

The rarest of all, a white aura signifies spiritual purity and the release of materialism. It reflects a highly evolved spiritual state.

Image: Canva

White Aura

A silver aura signals cosmic power, creativity, and potential abundance. It's rare and connected to spiritual and material wealth.

Image: Canva

Silver Aura

A gold aura shows wisdom and compassion. Those with this aura are spiritually enlightened and open to emotional and material fortune.

Image: Canva

Gold Aura

A rainbow aura is linked to spiritual healers and lightworkers. It's rare and represents connection to higher dimensions and spiritual teaching.

Image: Canva

Rainbow Aura