Blueberries Aren’t Really Blue! Here’s Why

By Rajni Pandey | September 16, 2024

Blueberries appear blue due to the presence of anthocyanins, a type of pigment that reflects blue and purple light.

Image Credit: Canva

Color Perception

The actual color of blueberries can range from deep purple to almost black, depending on the variety and ripeness.

Image Credit: Canva

Pigment Science

The blue hue is a result of how light interacts with the waxy coating on the berry's surface, reflecting a blue tint.

Image Credit: Canva

Light Reflection

These pigments not only give blueberries their color but also have antioxidant properties that contribute to their health benefits.

Image Credit: Canva


When you crush or cut a blueberry, the interior often reveals a more reddish or purplish hue, further proving that they aren't truly blue inside.

Image Credit: Canva

Color Variations

In botanical terms, blueberries belong to the same family as cranberries and bilberries, which also exhibit similar color properties.

Image Credit: Canva

Botanical Perspective