5 Vegetarian Foods Rich In Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Delicious and spongy, these are a common kitchen staple in India.


Include soybeans in your daily diet for omega-3 fatty acids intake.

These tiny seeds are packed with many nutrients and essential minerals.

Chia seeds

Add it to drinks, salads, baked products or consume roasted every day.

Include this source of alpha-linolenic and omega-3 in your diet.


Add it to smoothies and sprinkle in salads for a nutty flavour.

Filled with protein and fibre, rajma promotes heart and brain health.

Kidney beans

Use it in dishes like lentil soup, rice bowls, curries or sprout salad.

Considered a superfood, brussels sprouts offer many health benefits.

Brussels sprouts

These aid digestion, reduce inflammation and support heart health.