10 Foods To Avoid During Shradh

Consuming non-veg food like chicken, mutton and egg is avoided during Shradh.

Non-vegetarian food

Considered tamsik in Ayurveda, onions may increase bile production.


Just like onion, garlic is also said to produce heat in the body.


Red lentils, chana and rajma are considered difficult to digest.

Lentils and pulses

In some parts of India, consuming brinjal is considered unlucky during Shradh.


This vegetable with a meaty texture, is avoided.


Consuming cucumber during Shradh is considered inauspicious.


Spicy, oily food might cause stomach issues and is avoided.

Spicy and oily food

Considered impure, one must stay away from it during Shradh.


Consuming this particular salt is avoided.

Black salt