Best ways to wash clothes to make them look fresh, last long

Moneycontrol News | September 18, 2024

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Sorting separates whites, colours, and delicates to prevent colour transfer and staining. Ensures proper cleaning: Different fabrics and colours require different washing conditions for optimal results

Prevent colour bleedinfg

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Divide laundry into whites, darks, and colours. Wash heavier items like towels separately from lighter fabrics to ensure even cleaning and drying

Separate by colour

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Check the detergent packaging for recommended amounts based on load size

Follow manufacturer instructions

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Different fabrics require specific  wash cycles to avoid damage and  maintain their quality

Choose the correct wash cycle

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Selecting the appropriate cycle ensures effective cleaning and rinsing

Improves cleaning results

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 Select a gentle or delicate cycle  for fragile fabrics

Use a gentle cleaning cycle for delicates

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Wash coloured fabrics in cold water to prevent fading and shrinking

Opt for cold water for colours

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Overloading can prevent clothes from getting cleaned and rinsed properly

Prevents ineffective cleaning

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Overloading can strain the washer and lead to potential mechanical issues

Reduces wear and tear

Image: Canva

Adhere to your washer’s  capacity recommendations to  ensure effective washing

Follow capacity guidelines

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Allow space for clothes to move freely  for optimal cleaning and rinsing

Load clothes loosely