Chandra Grahan 2024: 9 myths surrounding the lunar eclipse

Lunar eclipse brings bad luck Lunar eclipses have always been associated with bad luck. In some cultures, lunar eclipses signal the wrath of deities and wars or even natural disasters. 

Pregnant women should avoid eclipse Many cultures including in India and Mexico believe that pregnant women should not go outside during a lunar eclipse because it could harm their unborn child.

Spiritual cleansing In the Hindu culture, people believe that fasting, praying, or taking a bath during an eclipse can purify the soul and wash away bad karma. Meanwhile, in Buddhism, it is sometimes seen as an opportunity for increased meditation and reflection.

Howling to scare away the eclipse Some people believe that loud noises could scare away the creature or demon causing the eclipse. In China, people bang pots and drums to scare the dragon that was believed to be swallowing the Moon.

Avoiding physical activity In some cultures, it is believed that physical activity like exercise or even intimacy should be avoided during a lunar eclipse as it is believed to be a time of negative energy.

Eclipses can cause temporary blindnes While this myth is more commonly associated with solar eclipses, some cultures extend this belief to lunar eclipses, advising people not to look directly at the Moon during the event.

End of the world Some cultures have interpreted eclipses as a sign of the end of the world or the apocalypse. In medieval Europe, eclipses were often seen as a signal of apocalyptic events or divine punishment.

Eclipses bring heightened emotions Some people believe that a lunar eclipse can cause heightened emotions or emotional turmoil. In astrology, eclipses are believed to have a strong influence on emotions, leading to changes in mood or emotional intensity.

You should not sleep during the eclipse As per another superstition, one should not sleep during the lunar eclipse as it is believed to bring bad luck. This is not true as the lunar eclipse is a natural phenomenon and has nothing to do with fortune or misfortune.

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