7 Benefits of Worshipping Peepal Tree During Pitru Paksha

By Archisha Yadav | September 18, 2024

Discover the spiritual benefits of worshipping the Peepal tree during Pitru Paksha and its importance in ancestral rituals.

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Worshipping Peepal Tree

Ancestors are believed to reside near the Peepal tree. Offering water mixed with milk and sesame seeds satisfies them and brings their blessings.

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Ancestral Connection

Worshipping the Peepal tree during Pitru Paksha helps remove Pitru Dosha, easing the ancestral karmic debt and clearing obstacles in life.

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Removes Pitru Dosha

Lighting a lamp under the Peepal tree and reciting Pitru Sukt can help resolve financial difficulties and bring prosperity to the family.

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Alleviates Financial Issues

Offering water to the Peepal tree is believed to attract good fortune and maintain the family’s well-being throughout the year.

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Ensures Family's Fortune

Worshipping the Peepal tree brings spiritual advancement, helping individuals connect deeply with their roots and ancestral legacy.

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Promotes Spiritual Growth

Through the offering of tarpan at the Peepal tree, ancestors can attain salvation, ensuring peace for their souls.

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Helps Ancestors Achieve Salvation

Worshipping the Peepal tree purifies the environment, increases positive energy, and keeps negativity away from the home.

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Boosts Positive Energy