From papaya to apple, 10 fruits to avoid on an empty stomach

Papaya Papaya is a fruit that contains papain that helps in digestion. But, when consumed on an empty stomach this can cause irritation and can cause discomfort and bloating. 

Guava Guava contains high amounts of fibre, which can cause indigestion when eaten on an empty stomach. Eat The fruit after a hearty meal. 

Pineapple Pineapple contains bromelain, a strong enzyme that can irritate the stomach lining and cause digestive discomfort if eaten on an empty stomach.

Raw pears Pears are rich in crude fibre that can be rough on an empty stomach and may cause irritation, bloating, or digestive discomfort.

Apples Apples contain natural acids and high fibre. Eating them on an empty stomach can stimulate stomach acid production, potentially leading to discomfort for people with sensitive stomachs.

Bananas Eating bananas, rich in magnesium and potassium, on an empty stomach can cause a sudden spike in blood magnesium levels which can negatively affect the heart.

Tomatoes Tomatoes are acidic in nature and the high levels of tannic acid can increase acidity in the stomach which can lead to  bloating or gastric issues.

Mangoes Mangoes can lead to bloating, gas, and constipation. It should be consumed after a hearty meal to avoid digestive discomfort. 

Grapes Grapes contain sugar and can lead to an increase in insulin levels. This can also cause discomfort on an empty stomach. 

Oranges Citrus fruits including oranges cause indigestion, heartburn and even acid reflux. To avoid these, have oranges after a full meal.

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