5 Tips To Keep Your Liver Healthy

The liver, the body’s largest solid organ, is essential to the smooth operation of our daily physical functions.

The liver performs about 500 different tasks, including detoxification, metabolism, and protein synthesis.

It should come as no surprise that preserving a healthy liver is necessary for general wellbeing and lifespan.

Around 2 million people die each year as a result of liver illnesses, with the prevalence of liver disease among Indians being alarmingly high at almost 1 in 5 people.

The first and most important step is to refrain from consuming too much alcohol.

A healthy body weight must be maintained in order to prevent liver illnesses, especially non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Viral hepatitis B and C infections can be spread by high-risk behaviours such unprotected intercourse with numerous partners and illegal drug use.

Another crucial component of preventing liver disease is keeping oneself clean.

Monitoring liver health requires frequent consultations with a medical expert.