Tips To Make Mandala Rangoli At Diwali 

For first-time mandala makers, an outline is essential for achieving balanced patterns.

Make An Outline

Start by drawing a circle and dividing it into 4, 6 or 8 sections, depending on your design.

One of the defining features of mandalas is the repetition of similar patterns throughout the design.

Focus On One Pattern At A Time

Complete one pattern before moving on to the next. It will also minimise mistakes.

If your design has multiple layers, start from the outermost one and work your way inward.

Start From The Outer Layer

This approach allows you to tackle the most time-consuming parts first.

Not confident? Consider using stencils for shapes or designs.

Use Stencils

You can also improvise with bowls, plates, spoons or other household items as substitutes.

To avoid complexity, especially if you’re new to making mandalas, stick with simpler patterns.

Opt For Simple Designs

Choose vibrant colours to fill your rangoli.