What Defines a Pluviophile? Discover If You're One!

Anyone who enjoys or finds peace of mind on rainy days is known as a pluviophile.

Pluviophilia is a special attraction to or love of rain and everything related to it.

To you, raindrops are like a friend. In the rain, it seems peaceful and comfortable; you feel like you belong.

You value equally the before and after, the indication of rain and the aroma and memory it leaves behind.

You realise and experience happiness on a physically, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.

The comfort a pluviophile experiences when watching and bathing in the rain is one of those sentiments that cannot be put into words. 

The gloomy sky have an odd equilibrium that represents life and everything that is alive. 

You love to watch the rain fall, even if it is only outside your window.