By Akshay Rathi, Fitness manager at Fit by Ravissant, July 18, 2023

Images: Canva

Mountain climber

Come to push-up position, your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Bring one knee to the chest without arching your back or dropping your hips. The movement is that of running in plank position. You can increase the speed as per your strength. If holding a push-up on ground level seems hard, use a sofa or table. The only difference would be that there would be an incline to the posture. This exercise engages the core and helps burn belly fat

Get into push up position by planting your hands directly under your shoulders,  ground toes into the floor, squeeze glutes  to stabilise your body. Your head should be  in line with your back. Focus on a spot on  the floor. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds in the beginning and increase it steadily everyday. Planks are perfect for burning belly fat they boost metabolic  rate and increase core strength


Lie down on a mat on your back, face up, arms by your side. Stretch your legs and raise them to 90 degrees. This will be your starting position. Bring your legs towards your head, exhaling while doing so. Hold. And then as you inhale, return to your starting position. The legs will come back to the 90 degrees, they are not to be taken to the ground. Repeat this to complete your set. Reverse crunches are focussed on lower part of abs

Reverse crunches

Sit up and raise your legs off the ground. Lean back a little so that you form a V-shape with your body. And then twist your torso to the sides – left and right. You can bend the knees if you want. To add weight, you can use a water bottle or a football/basketball ball lying around the house. This exercise works on your obliques very well which gives a leaner look to the upper body

Russian twists

Lie on your back, facing the ceiling. Arms by your side in comfortable position, legs straight and together. Keep your legs straight and lift them all the way up to the ceiling until your butt comes off the floor. Slowly lower your legs back down till they are just above the floor. Hold for a moment. Raise your legs back up. Repeat

Leg raises

Stand with feet apart. Inhale. Tighten your  abs, push your buttocks out, and squat  down by bending your knees (thighs parallel to the ground). You can also use a chair  to help you with the squats
