A look at Twitter's timeline

Published by: Priyanka Deshpande

As Twitter become ‘X’, and the iconic bird logo is replaced on the official Twitter account, here’s a look at key milestones and turning points in the microblogging site’s history.

On July 15, the full version of Twitter was introduced to the public. On March 21, Jack Dorsey posted the first tweet ever.


Twitter Inc was created as a corporate entity and Jack Dorsey became Twitter’s first CEO. The company later received its first round of funding of $5 million and the hashtag (#) made its debut.


Jack Dorsey was forced out of Twitter and was replaced by co-founder EV Williams.


Ashton Kutcher became the first person to amass 1 million Twitter followers.


EV Williams was replaced as CEO by Chief Operating Officer Dick Costolo and the first unassisted off-earth Twitter message was posted from the International Space Station. Twitter also unveiled promoted tweets.


Twitter hit 100 million monthly active users and Biz Stone, the co-founder of Twitter announced his departure from a day-to-day role at the company.


The company unveiled a modified logo removing the text to showcase the slightly redesigned bird as the sole symbol of Twitter and crossed 200 million monthly active users in December.


Twitter went public.


Jack Dorsey returned as CEO.


Twitter increased the character limit of a tweet from 140 to 280 and made first quarterly profit.


Jack Dorsey stepped down as Twitter CEO and Parag Agrawal was appointed as the new CEO.


On October 28, billionaire Elon Musk acquired Twitter for $44 billion & decided to privatise it. A number of top executives, including Parag Agrawal were fired.


On October 31st, Musk dissolved the Twitter board & floated paid Twitter verification. On November 9, he announced relaunch of the verification system & on November 11, disabled new Twitter Blue subscriptions.


On November 12, Twitter Blue was relaunched with some modifications and gold and grey checkmarks were introduced within a few days.


On March 23, Twitter announced that it will soon begin removing legacy verified checkmarks. The process of removing the legacy blue checkmarks began on April 20th.


On May 12, Musk appointed Linda Yaccarino as the new CEO of Twitter. He continues to serve as the Executive Chair and CTO.


On July 24, Musk rebranded Twitter to X and replaced the iconic blue bird logo on the official Twitter account to X brand.


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