unknown facts about oppenheimer's life

Producer:  Navneet Vyasan

He helped his family members, aunt and her son, escape Nazi Germany. 

Oppenheimer wrote poetry in private and said it wasn’t “meant or fit for anyone’s perusal".

While his fascination for Sanskrit was genuine, he once learnt Dutch only to impress a girl.

By the end of his life, he had an understanding of six languages- Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Dutch, German and French.

Oppenheimer was impressed by Kalidasa's Meghaduta and found Vedas to be "too deep" for him to understand.

Famous author Ayn Rand wanted to make a film on him and even had the story ready.

Oppenheimer donated generously to leading Left-wing causes in America. 

Eighteen people who worked with him won the Nobel Prize, Oppenheimer was only nominated thrice.